How To Stay Beautiful During Covid-19?

How To Stay Beautiful During Covid-19?

Covid-19 has hit us hard and everyone is still trying to overcome the situation. This current situation has changed the way we work, hangouts, and also the lifestyle. If we think about the flashbacks, earlier we used to focus on our lifestyle. Anytime we used to go out whether for work or to chill, being presentable is a necessity. The pandemic has left all of us with a void and skincare. But there is a need to shift the focus on how to Stay Beautiful During Covid-19.

If I talk about myself initially when I got to know about the lockdown it was shocking. The first thought that strikes me, that now is the time where I only need to tie my hair up. I left the makeups aside. After the situation worsened I realized that I needed to change the perspective.

How to stay Beautiful?

Whether or not I am going out there is a need to hamper and take care of our skin and health. These two things matter to stay beautiful during the covid-19. To you guys also I can only suggest that it is important to focus on yourself before it’s too late. Here are some tips that will help you to Stay Beautiful During Covid-19.

Ways You Can Stay Beautiful During Covid-19

You also need to change your perception, utilize this plenty of time available by focusing on self beauty.

 Do Clean up 

You can use it as your morning routine. Cleanse your skin regularly after waking up in the morning. Any Cleansers or face wash that suits your skin can be taken for skincare. So you need to add it in a routine to use one of them for your skin. Wash with it every morning just after waking up for beautiful and healthy skin.

Apply The Moisturizer 

Moisturizer can do wonders for your skin. Our skin loses water throughout the day so it is really important to keep it hydrated. For that reason, you need to apply moisturizer as soon as you wash your face. It will keep the skin hydrated for really long hours. Also, you can apply the moisturizer to all the potions which are getting dry and get rid of the same

Skin Mask

How to stay Beautiful during covid-19?

Skin masks have ingredients that will boost our skin and will help our skin to glow. You can apply skin masks twice a week or at least once in three days to get better results. 

  • Choose the best skin mask that suits your skin.
  • Apply it to your face for not more than 15 to 20 minutes. 

This will help you to cure and deal with particular problems that our skin faces frequently like acne, dehydration, open pores, etc. A face mask can also be made at your home with easily available ingredients at the home only.

SPF(Sun Protection Factor)

How to stay Beautiful during covid-19?

SPF is another essential that is needed to stay beautiful. This will help you to protect your skin from the harmful sun rays. Even if you are at home, skin still comes in contact with some amount of sun rays which are as harmful as we go out. So even if you are at home you should regularly apply sunscreen.

Perform Meditation And Exercises 

Meditation will help you become stress-free and will also help you to have a focus on every activity. It helps to make our minds open to awareness. It helps to reduce negative emotions, increases blood circulation in our body. Also, mediation brings peace to life, helps in slowing down the aging process, boosts your self-confidence. Due to covid-19, your contact with the outside environment has completely lost. To stay beautiful and fit you can also perform yoga and exercises.


Try out DIY’s 

Why not try some amazing DIY’s, as there is plenty of spare time. Most of you might have seen a lot of DIYs on social media. This is the time you can apply all these. Some of them are: 

  • If you have dry hands, you can use the mixture of coconut oil, and shea butter with a drop of jojoba oil.
  • For body scrub just mix brown sugar and coconut oil, add a drop or two of essential oil.

There are many more you can find on Instagram or YouTube which can be useful. 

Final note 

It is important to take care of yourself to be beautiful inside out. Make a routine to follow and stand up for your beauty and skincare. In this daily routine, you can include beauty products that you usually prefer, you can embrace yourself with different tips, and tricks. Also apart from the ways already mentioned you opt for any other way because they are endless. Not only Morning routine you should also have a night care plan to stay glowing and beautiful every day.


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